When And How To Tip a Taxi Driver.
Different cultures have different expectations when it comes to tipping for services offered to travelers. But here’s a general practice you can observe while traveling to different places – Give at least 10-20% of your total bill as tip if you think the service was great enough and your provider deserves it. Traveling to Scotland […]
Best customer service 2018
Aberdeen taxis provides the best customer service in Scotland, its official!All the hard work from our team has paid off, our company now holds the award for best customer service in the taxi/phc industry in Scotland. The awards ceremony was held on the 17th of March in Glasgow which we addended. The night was fabulous […]
Uber Aberdeen
We do not have Uber Aberdeen but here are three reasons to use Aberdeen Taxis Often you would see a lot of people struggling to find a public transport to reach their destinations, but in recent times, especially with the technological boom around the world, some online taxi booking apps have come around naming the […]